• Sub-Story
  • 《ミックスチョコレート》Mixed Chocolates【Hidden City ストーリー SubStory】

《ミックスチョコレート》Mixed Chocolates【Hidden City ストーリー SubStory】


今回はMixed Chocolates

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《ミックスチョコレート》Mixed Chocolates


Once every few years we gather at the Congress of Mediums to exchange experiences. This time we were robbed, even though we’re all mediums with many centuries of experience. You won’t believe what they stole – chocolates that were the work of Domingo Ghirardelli himself! He personally prepared them as a gift for the Witches’ Academy. We had a sweet break at our congress and suddenly discovered that the box of candies made by the great chocolatier had been stolen! Could you help us look for it? It’s bad form for famous mediums to do it ourselves.

・Once every few years:数年に一度
・Domingo Ghirardelli:ドミンゴ・ギラデリ氏。アメリカの代表的な老舗チョコレートブランドの創始者であり、著名なショコラティエ。
・bad form:直訳では、「行儀が悪い」や「礼儀がなっていない」など。「格好がつかない」というニュアンスで「バツが悪い」と訳しました。


I’m already helping!

《 Black Chocolate(ブラックチョコレート)》


There were all sorts of sweets in the missing box. Here’s one made of pure black chocolate with a rum cherry inside. An unforgettable taste.

HiddenCity substory Mixed Chocolate Black
Find the Black Chocolate Candy. Explore the Room of Fate.

Oh, a sweet made of bitter black chocolate! Thanks for helping so quickly.


《 Milk Chocolate(ミルクチョコレート)》


There were other sweets in the box made of milk chocolate. The filling is yogurt and strawberry. I hope the thieves have not eaten them yet – hurry up.

HiddenCity substory Mixed Chocolate Milk
Find the Milk Chocolate Candy. Explore the City Hall.

I’m really happy that the milk chocolate candy wasn’t eaten.


《 White Chocolate(ホワイトチョコレート)》


Since you’re so lucky, maybe you can find the white chocolate sweet from the famous chocolatier?

HiddenCity substory Mixed Chocolate White
Find the White Chocolate Candy. Explore the Station.

White chocolate, filled with almonds in caramel. So tasty! I think the congress will continue and the bad memories will be erased from my mind.

・So tasty!:美味しい!


《 Grilled Nut Candy(焼きナッツチョコ)》


If you find the Grilled Nut Candy, I promise you a really lovely surprise as a reward.

HiddenCity substory Mixed Chocolate Grilled Nut Candy
Find the Grilled Nut Candy. Explore the Room of Fate.

This isn’t just a simple candy. It’s a culinary masterpiece. This Grilled Nut Candy also contains sweetmeats and century old cognac.

・sweetmeats:直訳では “砂糖菓子” という意味。砂糖漬けしたものがナッツチョコの中に入っているのよ、と彼女は言いたいんでしょう。


《 Chocolate Nuts(ヘーゼルナッツチョコ)》


The hazelnut chocolate that was also in the box was also covered with tiny nuts. I don’t know which small nuts, but they were tasty. Will you find it?

HiddenCity substory Mixed Chocolate Chocolate Nuts
Find the Chocolate Nuts Candy. Explore the Room of Fate.

I think you found just the right thing. There are nuts all over this chocolate candy and hazelnuts inside. Anyway, I think it’s hazelnuts. Let’s refrain from tasting it.


《 Sweet Mixed Chocolates(スイートミックスチョコ)》


Just one small thing remains – all of the sweets that have been found need to be put into the gift box and a few rituals need to be performed to make it look the way it was. Witches are very sensitive and they won’t touch sweets that were in the hands of anyone apart from the masterful Ghirardelli.

・apart from:〜の他に、〜を除いて

HiddenCity substory Mixed Chocolate Chocolate Nuts
Put the sweets in the box. Assemble The "Mixed Chocolates" collection.

This unpleasant theft of the sweets has ended very well. We will do some magic over the sweets. What if the thief wanted to poison us? We’ll also try and find the thief. Take this artifact as our token of gratitude for your help.

・what if ~ ?:〜だとしたらどうなるであろうか
・token of gratitude for:〜の感謝のしるし


This story is over…




