• Main-Story
  • 《#5 魅惑の舞踏会》Enchanted Ball【Hidden City ストーリー MainStory – Case5】

《#5 魅惑の舞踏会》Enchanted Ball【Hidden City ストーリー MainStory – Case5】


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No06 →

Hidden Cityのメインストーリー第5章を読んでいきましょう。

*当ブログにアップしているすべての画像の転載や使用は固くお断りいたします。著作権および知的財産権はHidden Cityの提供元であるG5に帰属しています。



《 Manor House Gate(邸宅の門)》


For a hundred years a massive gate closed the entrance to the Manor, the domain of the imperious and beautiful Mistress. For many years her admirers left gifts in front of the locked gate. Many of her worshippers have already left this world but their gifts are still collecting dust on the blocky stone steps. Only in the dead hours of moonless nights can you clearly see the traces of dark magic at the gate. That magic safely hides the gate from intruders. Collect pieces of the magic mirror to break the spell and pass the Manor House Gate.

・dead hours:丑満時、真夜中、夜更け

Find the pieces of the mirror key.

All pieces of the magic mirror have been found. You’re really close to entering the location and dispelling the magic that bars the way.


《 Under the Vail of Fog (霧のベールの下には)》


Buddy, you’re here too! I arrived as soon as I heard the explosion. The Manor House Gate now looks more ominous than ever: the sun’s rays are lost in the thick fog, and my head is spinning from the smell. Well, let’s get a closer look and solve this riddle without disappearing forever.

・be lost in:~にのまれて見えなく[聞こえなく]なる、〜にふける、〜に没頭する
・get a close look at:~を間近で見る、実際に~を見る

Unlock the Manor House Gate.

Excellent work, buddy. The Manor House Gate is drowning in fog. I can’t see an inch beyond my own nose. Let’s head in further while Isabelle restrains the fog. We need to stay close to each other, so as not to get lost in it.

・head in:~に進む、直進する、向かう
・stay close to:~にぴったりくっついている、~から離れない
・get lost:~で迷子になる、はぐれる


《 Elusive Changes (掴みどころのない変化)》


I managed to dispel the fog a little, and from here you can already see the courtyard at the Manor House Gate. Everything looks the same – there’s the same piles of gifts left by the Mistress’s admirers. But something has changed here, ever so slightly… Do you get this feeling? Maybe one of the gifts caused the anomaly? Let’s look around.

・ever so:実に、大変、非常

Go to the Manor House Gate.

The numerous gifts left by the Mistress’s admirers lay covered in layers of dust at the Manor House Gate. There is magic in the air. Being here, you constantly feel someone’s presence. Perhaps it’s werewolves or other inhabitants of the fog? Do not wander here alone.



In addition to flowers and gifts, there is evidence of an explosion and shards of glass at the Manor House Gate! Magical reagents are scattered everywhere, and there are traces of bewitchment… This is the Mistress of the Manor’s handwriting. I’m sure that she is responsible for the fog.

・be responsible for A:Aのことに(対して)責任がある



I can’t see anything… My astral sight is gone and… I no longer feel the energy of subtle matters. My power is leaving me… There are shards everywhere. These are the fragments of my crystal ball, and my hands are cut… Why is the Manor House Gate covered in fog? I don’t remember anything. I think the Mistress was here, I recall her hazy image. She appeared out of nowhere, and then – a flash. A bright magical flash blinded me… What was it?

・no longer:もはや~しないで
・out of nowhere:どこからともなく、何もないところから、知らないうちに、いつの間にか


We’ll try to find out.


Yes, coffee and doughnuts, don’t look so surprised. I decided to take a day off to relax, but when a very upset Juliette arrived, I had to forget that idea. She claims that for several nights in a row, at precisely midnight, strange sounds have been coming from the Manor. It’s as if it is full of people, but everyone knows the Manor has been empty for a hundred years. I think you should hear her story for yourself. She’s a reliable witness!

・coffee and doughnuts:冒頭で突然コーヒーとドーナツなんて言うものだからいきなりなんだと思いましたが、Wikiによるとこれは古い俗語で、「コーヒーとドーナツはごく手軽に食べられる」ことから「安い」「最小限の」「平凡な」「手軽な」「二流の」などと揶揄されたもののようです。…というのは考えすぎとして、単に調査協力依頼における差し入れのコーヒーとドーナツかもしれません。
・in a row:列を成して、連続して、立て続けに、続けざまに


Of course.

《 Sounds in the Night(夜中に響き渡る音)》


Une séance sortie, monsieur. This might seem crazy, but definitely heard the clatter of wheels and the bang of the entrance doors coming from the Manor… and at midnight, terrible drawn-out screams! I swear I’m telling you the truth, please believe me!

・monsieur:ムシュー。英語の Mr. に当たるフランス語。「紳士」。呼びかけで「あなた」「先生」「だんな」

HiddenCity open the Diary
Find the Cuff-Link. Explore the Manor House Gate.

This is impossible! A golden cuff-link at the Manor House Gate! I doubt something as valuable as that would have gone unnoticed! Just yesterday I tidied everything up here. I’m sure it wasn’t here then and nobody’s been here since yesterday evening!

・tidy up:~を整理する、片付ける、掃除する



I don’t want to put the quality of your cleaning in doubt, but a fact is a fact. The golden cuff-link can’t have appeared by chance! Look, there are some initials engraved on it – “M.S.” Strange… I don’t recognize them. I’ve sent Juliette home to sleep. While she’s sleeping, we should go and see the Conductor. He knows every citizen!

・by chance:偶然、ひょいと、たまたま


I think we should get to the bottom of this.

・the bottom of this:bottom は the を伴うと「真相」「原因」「根本」といった意味にも。



Chapter1. 『不審者を特定せよ』

《 Enchanted Ball(魅惑の舞踏会)》


It appears that a trespasser has entered the Manor. We have to find him. I noted some important facts in the Diary of Investigations, so you should read it.


Start an investigation. Open the Diary.

Each night, we hear the clatter of wheels and the bang of the Manor House’s giant entrance doors. And when the clock strikes midnight – some drawn-out, terrible screams, as if something horrible is happening inside! Even murder! But are these events connected to the past, the present, or the future?! The key to the puzzle is a golden cuff-link with the initials M.S. engraved on it, dropped by God knows who and for what reason at the Manor House Gate. Help the brave detective and unveil the Manor’s hundred years of secrecy!

・Even murder!:even が文頭に来ると少し訳に悩みますが、この文脈からすると「あまつさえ~」「あろうことか~」「事もあろうに~」といったニュアンスにすると自然かなと思います。100年も人気のなかったお屋敷に、耳をつんざくような叫び声が聞こえてきて、その上殺人事件を想定するとなったら… すっごく嫌ですよね~。

Chapter1:The trespasser that got into the Manor has left an important clue… a cuff link with his initials ‘M.S.’ Who is M.S.?
MISSION:Identify the trespasser.

《 Following the Conductor(案内人に指示を仰ぐ)》


Who is hidden behind the mysterious initials M.S.? I’m sure the Conductor will know. He knows everyone in this damned City, but he won’t be easy to find in the fog covering the Station of Forgotten Dreams! Can you make anything out through this haze?

・make it through:~を上手に乗り切る、~をうまくやり遂げる

Talk to the Conductor. Explore the Station.

Yes! The flashlight is in great condition. It will work even against the thick fog that shrouds the Station.



《 Glasses for a Boggart(ボガート対策用のメガネ)》


The initials M.S. you say? And a golden cuff-link? You should have pawned it. You could have bought us all a round of drinks with the money! You say you have a bottle of Chardonnay for me? Wonderful, suddenly I remember something about this M.S., I think I have something written down about him. Now if only I could remember where I put my glasses. I can barely see anything at all without them.

・write down:書き溜める、書き記す、書き取る

HiddenCity open the Diary
Find the Glasses. Explore any location in the City with the "Boggarts" effect active.
メガネを探せ。”ボガート” が発生しているロケーションを探索せよ。

Ah… So my glasses were stolen by boggarts! There’s no safe haven from those creatures! What did they want my glasses for? It’s not as if they read the papers! Hmm… Anyway, thanks. So, M.S… It’s strange, the initials are familiar but I don’t have any record of them.

・There’s no safe haven from~ は直訳すると「~から逃げる安息の地はない」となります。
・it’s not as if:~とはならない、~というわけではない



My record of all newcomers makes no mention of anyone with the initials M.S. Although I can’t remember everyone, of course. I’m not a genius! This is my 34th diary since started working at the Station of Forgotten Dreams. I gave the others to City Hall. If you really need to find this M.S., look for him in my old records. But remember, you still owe me the bottle of Chardonnay!

・make mention of:~に言及する、~について触れている


I’ll remember.

主人公の言葉 I’ll remember.。前の画面で自ら「シャルドネのボトルがあるけど?」って交換条件をけしかけてるので、念押しをされて、少し辟易としながら「はいはい」みたいな受け答えをしているのが目に浮かびます。

《 Evidence Extracted(採取された証拠)》


And so our investigation brings us to City Hall. It’s so dark here! I can’t see anything at all. It’s as if someone is deliberately obstructing our investigation and trying to keep us from following the trail! How are we supposed to find anything in this darkness?!

・keep from:~(するのを)妨げる、させないようにする

HiddenCity open the Diary
Find the Conductor's Records. Explore the City Hall at night.
案内人の記録書を探せ。”夜間モード” で[市役所]を探索せよ。

A page with a note about the arrival in the city of a certain M.S.. Who would need to tear this out of the Conductor’s diary?

・tear out:~から切り取る、破り取る


Hmm, the note says that M.S. stands for Mike Stone, a famous adventurer and bandit, with a penchant for emptying lonely travellers’ pockets. It’s no surprise that he could afford engraved golden cuff-links. Honest labour doesn’t earn you that kind of money. He was caught, and just as they were about to hang him he appeared in the City with the rope still around his neck. On the other side of the page, there’s a note saying that he hasn’t been seen since he left the station. It looks like he decided to take up his old trade again.

・stands for:~を意味する、~を表す、~の略である
・it’s no surprise:驚くに値しない、当然である、何の不思議もない
・be about to:(まさに今)~しようとしているところだ
・hang:【他動】同文内に caught(=catchの過去形)があり、これは M.S. が盗みの容疑で「逮捕された」「捕まった」と取れるので、ここの hang は「絞首刑にする」と訳すのが正解


That’s all we needed!


To our first question-who is M.S.-we got a clear but disturbing answer! Now we need to find him in person. I’m getting more and more worried about Juliette. The Mistress isn’t one to mess with and if Mike Stone takes her to the cleaners, all her servants will be in real trouble! There’s only one thing for it, buddy; we have to get into the Manor whatever it takes, and arrest Mike Stone!

・in person:直接、直に、本人
・mess with:~に干渉する、楯突く、ちょっかいをだす
・take a person to the cleaners:「有り金を残らず巻き上げる」。慣用句ですね、調べてみないとたどり着けない訳です…!
・whatever it takes:何が何でも、どんなことをしてでも


You can say that again!

主人公の受け答え文 You can say that again! は「全くその通りです」と言う同意の表現になります。直訳だと「あなたはそれをもう一度言うことがきる」=「繰り返し言えるくらい強く同意している」といったニュアンス。刑事が、その前に There’s only one thing for it,~ と言っているので、「そうするしかないな!」と訳しました。



Chapter2. 『盗人の居場所』

HiddenCity open the Diary

Chapter2:It turned out that M.S. is a famous thief from the past. It seems like he decided to clean out the Manor, but where is he hiding?
MISSION:Calculate the thief’s location.

・clean out:一掃する、空っぽにする、巻き上げる、一文無しにする

《 The show must see light(ショーにはライトが必需品)》


Hmm… From outside the Manor, I was sure the hall was brightly lit up, but the darkness here is impenetrable! I don’t want to walk around in the dark and find myself on the end of Mike Stone’s knife! We need light, and lots of it. But it’s so dark here that an ordinary flashlight won’t do. We need special candles!

・light up:明かりがつく、明かりが灯る、点火する、照明がつく
・find oneself:~であることに気づく、自身を見つめる、気づくと~している

HiddenCity open the Diary
Light the Candles. Explore The Hall Of Weddings.

This place gives me the creeps… although the hall is beautiful! The Mistress has a great imagination. The frozen figures look just like perfect copies of real people. Something tells me no one’s been here for a long time; the whole place is covered in dust and there’s no sign of Mike Stone! But I have a feeling he must be somewhere inside. This matter isn’t as simple as it seemed…

・give A the creeps:Aをぞっとさせる


《 Magic Against Magic(魔法に対抗するための魔法)》


I still don’t understand how Mike Stone got inside. Yeah, the City unlocked the Enchanted Ball for you, along with every other door, but the Manor is closed to the other citizens! A mosquito couldn’t get inside without the Mistress’s permission, not without dying from some terrible curse. If the Manor is protected by magic, then maybe there’s some other kind of stronger magic… Well, we have a puzzle on our hands. If we’re dealing with different kinds of magic, we’re going to need Martha’s help.

・along with:~とともに、~付きで、~に加えて、~と同様に
・get inside:乗り込む、中へ入る
・deal with:~に取り組む、解決しようとする、折り合いをつける、対応する

Find Martha. Explore the Room of Fate in "Silhouettes" mode.
マーサを探せ。”シルエットモード” で[運命の部屋]を探索せよ。

Great Evil is sealed in the Manor! It has slept for a hundred years! I won’t let you wake it! Go away!



Well, she’s said her piece. Martha is sure that Evil has settled in the Manor and slept there for more than a hundred years. Nice for the evil spirit… I can’t even get a single day off. I think it’s time for us to dig around in the library and find out what Martha’s trying so hard to hide from us!

・say one’s piece:自分の意見(言いたいこと)を言う
・settle in:落ち着く、定住する、~に居着く
・dig around:探し回る、くまなく探す、~の周辺を掘って探す


I don’t like libraries.

《 The Mayor’s Spirit to the Rescue(市長の、救済の精神)》


City Hall is a place where you can always find an answer, if you ask the right question. Juliette mentioned the Centennial Ball. It was the largest event in the City, attended by the city’s most famous citizens! That being the case, there’s no way our Mayor missed the occasion. All we have to do now is find something that belonged to the Mayor and use it to summon him!

・that being the case:そういうことだから、そういった事情で、そういうことなら
・all we have to do now:我々が今するべきことは~だけ

最終文「市長の持ち物を使って市長を呼び寄せる」で「ん?」と思ったんですが、市長は幽霊ってことなのですね。そうだったんだ… どうりで。
HiddenCity open the Diary
Find the Mayor's Cane. Explore the City Hall.




I’m pleased to see you in good spirits, gentlemen. But your question to me is a dangerous one. The Centennial Ball was a great tragedy for our City. For those who attended it, there is no way out of the Manor. But when the clock strikes midnight, a portal opens and the Mistress summons everyone who was invited to the centennial celebration. I hear her voice every night. I fear it more than death itself, though I wasn’t at the ball. Don’t go to the Manor at night, for if you’re invited to the ghostly ball, you will become eternal prisoners of pain!



Eternal pain sounds horrible.


He was a lot of help… I’ve thought many things about our Mayor, but for him to just fill our heads with riddles and then disappear, that’s too much! Although… from what I understood, the Centennial Ball definitely took place. And something terrible happened when it did…

・that’s too much!:そりゃあんまりだ! ひどすぎる!
・take place:開催される、行われる

冒頭の He was a lot of help… は、刑事による盛大な皮肉ですね。市長の幽霊を呼び出すことに成功し、彼から有益な情報が得られると思ったら、「邸宅は行きたくないよぉ! ミストレスが怖いよぉ! わぁーん!」みたいに喚いて消えちゃったんですから…

It’s too late to turn back.



Chapter3. 『100周年祭典の舞踏会への侵入』

HiddenCity open the Diary

Chapter3:Mike Stone managed to get into the past of the Manor and the famous Centennial Ball, so it looks like we have to search for him there. But how can we go into the past?
MISSION:Get into the Centennial Ball.

このChapter5で go intoget into という表現がまぁまぁ出てきます。これらは「立ち入る、入り込む」というほとんど同じ意味を持つのですが、以下のようなニュアンスの違いがあるようなので補足として。
・go into:努力する必要もないほどにすんなり入ることができる表現で使う
・get into:なんとかして無理矢理に近い努力を持って入ることができる表現で使う
大げさにいうと、 get into の方があまり良くない印象を持たせたいとき、何かに逆らってでも入り込むようなときに使用されるんでしょうね。

《 Enchanted Ball(魅惑の舞踏会)》


The Old Manor, one of the most enigmatic places of the City of Shadows, has been hidden, from locals for many years, since the day of the Manor’s Centennial Ball. All of the City’s elite were invited to this grand event, but something terrible happened there. At midnight a horrible wail rang out from the Manor and after that it was buried in impenetrable darkness, along with all the guests inside. Find all parts of the magic mirror to dispel the darkness surrounding the building and solve the mystery of the Enchanted Ball.

・rang out:ガンガン鳴る、鳴り響く、とどろく

Find the pieces of the magic mirror.

All pieces of the magic mirror have been found. You’re really close to entering the location and dispelling the magic that bars the way.

・close to doing:もうすぐ(今にも)~できそうだ、~しかけている



You collected all the pieces of the magic mirror. Hurry and dispel the charms to explore the location. Discover what secrets this place hides.

Enchanted Ball. Unlock location.

Great! The location is now unlocked and available for exploration.


The ghostly sound of a moving dress… footsteps… the clink of crystal… the soft rustle of velvet curtains… echoes of the past resound under this roof. The enchanted ball is not for the living – only ghosts whirl here in their endless dance. The Old Manor holds a number of secrets and mysteries.

・a number of:多数の、たくさんの、いくつかの

《 Invitation to the ball(舞踏会への招待状)》


If the Mayor still hears the voice inviting him to the ball, maybe we should forget about the eternal pain and join him? What was it he said? Every night at precisely midnight, a portal opens and the voice of the Mistress calls everyone who was invited to the centennial celebration! What if Mike Stone used one of the invitations and ended up at the ball?! What if the key to the mystery of Mike Stone lies in the past? Damn this city and its secrets! We just have to get to the ball! But where can we get an invitation?

・what if:~したらどうなるだろうか〔不安〕、~したらどうか〔提案〕、~だとしたらどうだというのだ〔反語〕

HiddenCity open the Diary
Find an Invitation. Explore City Hall in "Past" mode.
招待状を探せ。”過去モード” で[市役所]を探索せよ。

There are so many of them! So… one of them is the Mayor’s. But it’s in bad shape, so let’s leave that one. Then there’s… Dr. Frankenstein. I didn’t know he was already in the City by then. And then there’s the MasterFor some reason neither of them attended the Centennial Ball. We should think about why when we get a moment.

・in bad shape:ひどい(悪い)状態で、調子が悪くて、不調で
・by then:その時までに、そのころに
・for some reason:どういうわけか、何やら


《 Getting to the ball(舞踏会への侵入)》


You hear that? It’s almost midnight, and the sounds of music and the clatter of wheels are coming from the Manor. It seems Juliette was right – it really is happening. Now I just have to untangle this story, even if I have to take the whole Manor to pieces to do it! Let’s use the Master’s and Dr. Frankenstein’s invites to pay the ball a visit.

・take to pieces:バラバラに分解する、ズタズタに裂く
・pay a visit:~を訪れる、訪問する

Visit the Mysterious Ball. Explore the Enchanted Ball.

I’ll remember this outing for a long time. I haven’t been this afraid for years! But it seems as though nothing has changed in the Mysterious Hall! The figures are still motionless, everything is still covered in dust and cobwebs, but I hear the sound of voices and footsteps! What can we do?




I remember the Mayor saying that the magic of the Centennial Ball comes alive at midnight. There’s a huge clock above the entrance to the Manor. By deduction, propose that the hands need to be set to 12 o’clock.

・come alive:よみがえる、活気付く、目覚める
・by deduction:deduction は「差し引き、控除、推論、結論」などの意味で、一般的な原理から特殊な事例を推論することです。なので「いろいろ差し引いて考慮すると」となると思います。


We should try it.

《 A Clock and Bats(時計と蝙蝠)》


Damn it, the clock face has neither hands nor numbers! When we went inside, everything was fine. Magic is clearly involved in this! But… you have the gift of seeing into the past!

・everything Is fine:特に問題ない
最終文 But… 以降にある gift は、「(神様から与え賜われた)特別な才能、能力、脂質」の意味です。

『この影の街にやってくる人間たちは、もともと各々が持っていたパーソナリティ特性(たとえば、悪徳、美徳、才能、罪など)がより強く顕著に現れてしまう』という記述が、メインストーリーCapter2の《不可解な殺人》でありました。最終文の you have the gift of ~ というのは、この主人公の能力というのが “アイテムを探す能力” のみならず “過去を覗き見れる能力” もあるということなんでしょうね。
HiddenCity open the Diary
Find the hands. Explore any past location in the City in Reflections.
時計の針を探せ。街中のいずれかの場所を “過去反射モード” で探索せよ。
HiddenCity open the Diary
Find the numbers. Explore the City in "Past" mode.
時計のダイヤルを探せ。街中のいずれかの場所を “過去モード” で探索

Those flying bloodsuckers again! They’re the ones that took the hands and numbers from the Manor’s clock and hid them in the City! Quick, put them back where they should be! Now we just have to move the hands to precisely 12 o’clock!




How strange! The clock didn’t budge, but I feel its chime in the core of my heart! Ding, ding… Do you hear it?! It’s as if the clock has replaced my heart… And such a strange fog has fallen over the Manor. Look! Look! That’s no fog! It’s spirits! They’re all disappearing by the entrance door! This must be the portal!



We’ve opened the portal!

《 Visiting the Ball(舞踏会への訪問)》


The portal is open, and now we can get into the ghostly ball. But this is a one-way ticket if ever I saw one! If our heartbeats end with the chime of the clock, then how can we go through the portal and remain alive? Maybe we could use the Beating Heart potion. Juliette said someone brought it as a gift for the Mistress.

・remain alive:生き延びる

HiddenCity open the Diary
Find the Potion. Explore the Manor House Gate.

To your health, buddy!

・To your health:「健康を祝して」。乾杯の音頭の際の決まり文句

[邸宅の門]は毎日のように誰かがミストレスへの贈り物として品物を置いていくことから、あのように物で溢れた様子になっているのです。上段の最終文は暗に、「その中に蘇生薬なるものが確かあったわ」とジュリエットが話していたことを思い出した、刑事の無責任極まりない発言になります。ご査収ください。そして、そのポーションをうまいこと探し出せたので「健康を祝して乾杯!」などとのたまっているシーンです。にーさん、健康やない… 生死に関わることなんやで…

《 An Evil Phenomenon(邪悪な現象)》


We’re finally at this damned ball! Look… the champagne is still sparkling in the glasses but there’s not a single person here just statues. It looks like all the guests disappeared a second ago. We need to thoroughly investigate what happened here.


HiddenCity open the Diary
Carry Out an Investigation. Explore the Enchanted Ball.

What’s this? I can’t believe it… That’s not a chandelier, it’s a gorgon‘s head! These ghosts definitely have a sense of humour. A gorgon appeared in the hall! It must be the evil Martha was so afraid of!





Chapter4. 『ゴルゴン・メデューサ』

HiddenCity open the Diary

Chapter4:We were able to go into the past and appear right at midnight. Just at that moment the monstrous Gorgon Medusa also appeared. How can we examine the hall and avoid turning into stone?
MISSION:Protect yourself from Gorgon Medusa.


《 Victory Seal(勝利の紋章)》


I don’t feel so good! The gorgon’s cruel gaze is penetrating right through me, and I can’t move! Soon I’ll be the newest addition to the Enchanted Hall’s secret collection. Save yourself! Protect yourself with the gleaming seal!


HiddenCity open the Diary
Seal of Radiance. Explore the Enchanted Ball.

Did you see? The gorgon closed her eyes as soon as you used the gleaming seal! It looks like you made the right choice, buddy.



I must be hallucinating. After the Gorgon’s magic weakened, I saw the eyes on that statue move! This can’t be!



I’m afraid it’s true.

主人公のセリフ I’m afraid~「残念ながら(/せっかくだが)~だと思う」。意に反して、または直前の文章(この場合は刑事の This can’t be! )をおおよそ否定する意味で使われるそうです。

《 A Glass Tear(ガラスの涙)》


What should I believe? My eyes, or the iron logic of a detective? Are these living people or just statues that seem alive? Look! Something flashed next to one of them and fell onto the floor.

HiddenCity open the Diary
Find the Glass Tear. Explore the Enchanted Ball.

Just look at that. It’s a tear! But it’s made of glass! What magic is happening in this place? Martha has to help us this time!

本編序盤の舞踏会へ忍び込む前、マーサに助言をもらおうとしたのに「お前らこんな危険なことからは手を引け! どっか行っちまえ!」と理不尽(?)に散々怒られた上に追い出されたのを覚えていますでしょうか? 怖かったですよね。刑事は勇敢にも、マーサに再挑戦するようです。



Chapter5. 『ガラスの涙を溶かせ』

HiddenCity open the Diary

Chapter5:Careful examination of the hall has uncovered that one of statues was crying glass tears. Might it be trying to tell us something?
MISSION:Melt the Glass Tear.


《 Final Memory Ritual(究極の記憶の儀式)》


I warned you not to approach the Manor, you arrogant fools! Thanks to you, the entire City could be in danger! What do you want from me now? A glass tear… Yes. It stores a final memory. Just as eyes are considered the windows to the soul, so are tears its blood. We must hold a ritual and melt it with a lens!

・be in danger:危険に瀕している

マーサさん、激昂していたにも関わらず、ガラスでできた涙の話をした途端食いついてくれました! いや~プロですね!
HiddenCity Case5 Enchanted Ball 魅惑の舞踏会 Collection
Find the Lens. Assemble the 'Unfortunate Thief' collection.
レンズを探せ。 《不運な泥棒》 コレクションをまとめよ。
HiddenCity open the Diary


The tear melted, and in the resulting puddle, something is moving. It’s Mike Stone! Look, look! His hand is frozen on the ghostly woman’s choker! He’d definitely have stolen it if he hadn’t turned into a statue! We’ve been chasing him for so long, afraid of his criminal tendencies, but it turns out we should have been saving him!

・in the resulting:結果として(起こったことは)


《 Hurrying to Help(早急な救出を)》


Mike Stone lived up to his name and turned into real stone. But I still feel sorry for the poor guy. Although, on the other hand, Juliette is safe now. I think it’s time to head back to the hall and see if we can bring everyone back to life!

・live up to:~に従って行動する、~に添う、こたえる
・feel sorry for:~をかわいそうに思う、~を哀れに(不憫に)思う、同情する、気の毒に思う
・on the other hand:一方で、同時に、その反面、引き換え
・head back to:~に戻る、引き返す、再び向かう、~への帰途に就く
・bring back to life:生き返る、意識を取り戻す

Bring the Statues Back to Life. Explore the Enchanted Ball.

No dice! We can’t help them. I tried to smash the Gorgon’s head, but it’s protected by strong magic, invulnerable to weapons!

・no dice:駄目だ、嫌だ〔=拒否〕/駄目だったか、失敗に終わった、無駄だった
・invulnerable to:(~に対して)びくともしない、不死身の、耐えうる



Justice always finds a way. We found Mike Stone, but he, like the other guests at the Centennial Ball, was turned into a statue. What we learned gives more questions than answers. But we can say one thing for sure: we don’t have to fear the consequences of Mike Stone’s visit to the Manor. Juliette has nothing to worry about. -That’s good, at least.



That’s good, at least.

The Glass Tear that belonged to Mike Stone stored his final memory?! The sly thief was turned into stone under Gorgon’s glance and remained in the Manor forever.

・remain in:~に留まる、外出しない、~のままでいる

≪Stone Star≫Increases the chance of items dropping by 50% from all locations, including locations with effects. It lasts for 12 hours.

to be continued…

彼らがメデューサに石にされなくてよかったです… ハラハラした第5章でした。刑事がだんだんと大胆極まりない印象になってきましたね。


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No06 →


