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  • 《#0 案内人の装置》Conductor’s Device【Hidden City ストーリー MainStory – #0_Prologue】

《#0 案内人の装置》Conductor’s Device【Hidden City ストーリー MainStory – #0_Prologue】


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*当ブログにアップしているすべての画像の転載や使用は固くお断りいたします。著作権および知的財産権はHidden Cityの提供元であるG5に帰属しています。



Welcome to this strange place, the City of Shadows. My name is Juliette. You and your friend appeared here in the middle of the street, first him and then you. Dark figures grabbed him and dragged him away… Your friend is in great danger! Do you want to save him?


City Hall is very close by. I heard a legend that in desperate situations it may give an important clue. Let’s go inside and find out if the spirits of this amazing place will be favorable to you.



HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ 市役所 cityhall
Dimly lit with the smell of old books, it’s a calm and peaceful place where you can activate artifacts, learn some of the City’s mysteries or get a hint in a desperate situation.

・lit:light の過去形

プロローグはほとんどチュートリアルです。主人公であるあなたは “影の街” に友人と共に飛ばされ、友人だけ姿を消してしまいました。友人を探し出すため、そして影の街の謎を解明していくためにアーティファクトを集めていくミッションがメインストーリーです。最初に開かれるロケーションは CityHall[市役所]。私たちの身近にあるような、システマティックな施設ではなく、街の小さな古びた図書館といった印象があります。

HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ 市役所 cityhall

What a strange clue you’ve found in City Hall. Half of an old photo, showing the House with Red Windows and the figure of someone. This house can be found in our City somewhere. But who is the man in the photo? We need to find the second piece of the photo to find out who he is.

Let’s get out of here.

《 Mysterious Photo(謎めいた写真)》

I’m intrigued by the clue that City Hall has given you. It’s a fragment of an old photo. But who is that in it, and how is it related to you and your friend Jacob? You have to find the second fragment of the photo to understand this clue’s meaning and find your friend. If I were you, I’d return to City Hall and look for it there.

・related to:〜と関係のある、関連した

HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Mysterious Photo
Find the photograph piece. Explore the City Hall.

You’ve found the second photograph piece, you say? Great, now we can see the whole photo. Look, it’s your friend! Has he been to the City before? Haven’t you just arrived at the City of Shadows? This is too confusing. Let’s show the picture to the Detective, he’s a good friend of mine and he can help us.



HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Mysterious Photo

《 Important recordings(重大な記録書)》

Greetings, I am the Detective: Juliette asked me to help you. I’d be glad to help, but some malicious spirits stole my notepad and I cannot work without it. Please find it for me.



I think the spirits took the notebook to the City Hall. Hurry up and find it. Then I’ll help you investigate your friend’s disappearance.

HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Notepad
Find Notepad. Explore the City Hall.

Thank you for the notebook! Now, let’s try to find out what happened to you. So, you came to the City of Shadows, where upon some dark figures dragged your friend Jacob away. Later you received a strange clue of an old picture in the City Hall.

Here it is!

Where should we look for Jacob? In such complex cases Martha, our medium, can often be helpful. Show her the photograph, it’s the only piece of evidence this case has.

Right away.

《 Medium(霊媒師)》

Welcome. I’m Martha – a medium, fortune teller and certified graduate of the School of Young Witches. If you need my help you can find me in the Room Of Fate. Although I always need rare artifacts for my rituals. Good luck!

ちなみに、Medium という言葉には「媒体」「手段」などの意味があるのですが、ここでの意味は「巫女、霊媒師」です。”人間界と精霊界を媒体する者” という由来からでしょう。
Go to Martha. Unlock the Room of Fate.
HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ 運命の部屋 Room of Fate
Light pouring from holes in an old lampshade shines on a number of strange items: a skull, a crystal orb, a stuffed owl… The place’s owner will help you unveil the mystery and understand the meaning of things.

stuffed owl(部屋の左上にいますね)はぬいぐるみのフクロウという訳もできましたが、この世界観をなぞらえると剥製がドンピシャでしょうね。個人的にはもう少し書物の類が積まれていたり、摩訶不思議なアイテムがあったり、もっと占いの館っぽく寄せても面白いのになと思った次第です。

《 Rite(儀式)》

Just who is Jacob and how is he connected to the City of Shadows’ past? You’ve made me curious. I’ll help you perform a special ritual with this picture. Spirits can see things beyond a human’s perception, but I’ll need ghostly essence for the ritual. Find some, please.


HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Ghostly Essence
ind Ghostly Essence. Explore the Room of Fate.

Now I can conduct the ritual. Jacob is alive, I feel it… It’s dark around him, foggy, with strange shadows surrounding him… Your friend is very far away, as if in another time or dimension. I don’t see anything else… Sorry! Talk to the Conductor, he lives at the Station of Forgotten Dreams and welcomes new arrivals. He has a device that helps find lost people.


《 This music will play for all eternity…(この音楽は永遠に鳴り止まぬ)》

Welcome, I am the Conductor. Upon arriving in the City, many people discover new abilities within them. Mine is such that I feel where new arrivals should go. Most appear at the Station, from the fog, dazed and confused, and I suggest which path to take.


Nice to Meet You.

今後のお話にも出てくるのですが、この “影の街” に訪れた人は新たな能力が宿るという現象が起こります。案内人の場合は、ここへたどり着いてしまった人たちが、今後どこへ向かったらいいのかを指し示してあげられる力が備わった、という旨話していますね。

I know you’re looking for your friend Jacob and Martha told you to ask me. I’ve got an old machine that can show the location of a newcomer in the City. But to make it show Jacob’s location we need three things that belonged to him. I heard music playing in the City Hall, some well known tune… It wasn’t there before. Must be a music player there somewhere. Did your friend have a music player?

HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Player
Find Player. Explore the City Hall.

You’ve found the first of Jacob’s belongings. Find two more – they are necessary for pinpointing his location with the device.

《 Thieving gargoyle(盗人ガーゴイル)》

Are you looking for your lost friend’s stuff? I saw sunglasses… Jacob dropped them when the dark shadows dragged him across the square. His glasses were there for just a second before a huge gargoyle swooped down from a roof and took them. Are you brave enough to take Jacob’s sunglasses from that gargoyle? She won’t part with them easily. Look for Thor’s Hammer, it’s a weapon that every stone beast fears.


HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Thor's Hammer
Find Thor's Hammer. Explore the Room of Fate.
HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Grasses
Fight the Gargoyle to obtain the item you need.

Here is the same gargoyle that picked up your friend’s glasses. You’re not sure? Just look at its face! The stony thief has put them on her nose; no doubt she considers herself very fashionable. Getting the glasses from her won’t be easy, but we must try.


HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ gargoyle
Is it possible for stone to move? Can stone eyes see and stone wings lift a body into the air? In the world of science, no. But in the City, where shadow magic is law, anything is possible! Beware of stone statues watching you from the rooftops!



You found the second item quite fast and are close to your goal. Maybe someday you’ll help me reach the center of the City and the House with Red Windows? Legend says the house grants wishes… I’ve tried to get there several times, but the fog wouldn’t let me. It rolls in from the central districts, carrying new items, sometimes bodies! Not always human…

・bodies:bodyの複数形で、”死体” “屍” と訳すこともあります。

《 Mysterious Artifact(謎めいたアーティファクト)》

While you were bravely fighting the gargoyle, a mysterious stranger passed me this note. ‘Look for a fang on the border between worlds. Signed L.’ Jacob was wearing a fang around his neck, you say? But I don’t get what ‘border between worlds’ means. Maybe it’s the Station? Since all newcomers to the City of Shadows appear there. Explore the Station of Forgotten Dreams.

Unlock location.
HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Gargoyle fang
Find Gargoyle fang. Explore the Station.
HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ 忘れられた夢の駅 Station
Grand arches, a luxury train, and railway lines heading into the fog. This is a special place, a gateway for different places and times through which newcomers from the real world arrive in the City.


This is a Gargoyle fang – an artifact from the City Of Shadows! Where did your friend get it from? If it was on him before you two even ended up in the City, then how did Jacob come across it? Like the photo, this fang is confirmation that your friend is connected to the past of the City and the House with Red Windows.


《 Conductor’s Device(案内人の装置)》

Now we have all three things that belonged to your friend. If we do this right, the device will point out the coordinates of the place where Jacob is now. Hurry, activate the machine.


HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Conductor's Device Collection
Activate the Locating Device. Assemble the 'Conductor's Device collection.
HiddenCity Prologue プロローグ Conductor's Device


The device is working… do your hear it humming? It shows coordinates… Jacob is in the centre of the City. But it’s impossible to get there. The centre has been surrounded by a dark fog for many years! Hey, what’s wrong with you?

Everything is hazy…

Hey, wake up! What happened to you? It was a vision? Your friend was in the hazy mist, calling for help? And his last words were, ‘Look for a clue in the Collector’s House?

・hazy:もやのかかった、霞んだ、意識が朦朧とした|*ちなみにひとつ前の主人公の Everything is hazy… は直訳すると「すべてのものが霞んで見える」ですね。

This is just what Jacob said in my vision.

to be continued…

いかがでしたでしょうか。以上がHidden Cityの壮大な物語の序章でした。


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