• Main-Story
  • 《#1 収集家の秘密》The Collector’s Secret【Hidden City ストーリー MainStory – Case1】

《#1 収集家の秘密》The Collector’s Secret【Hidden City ストーリー MainStory – Case1】


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前回、Hidden Cityの物語のプロローグをご紹介いたしました。

案内人の装置【Hidden City ストーリー プロローグ】 | DesArtium
アイテム探しHidden Cityを原文でプレイして英文法の勉強をしてみよう。飛ばしがちなストーリーを丁寧に追ってみよう。まずはプロローグとして。


*当ブログにアップしているすべての画像の転載や使用は固くお断りいたします。著作権および知的財産権はHidden Cityの提供元であるG5に帰属しています。



《 Mechanical Evidence(機械に関する書証)》


What kind of a clue can be in the Collector’s House? The Collector is one of the City’s most famous and mysterious figures. But there’s a hitch – he disappeared many years ago, and the door to his house is firmly locked. Then how can he be connected to your friend’s disappearance? Questions on top of more questions… I desperately need some new data about this mysterious Collector. We should look for his records in City Hall.

・there’s a hitchは “問題がある” という訳。
・Questions on top of more questionsの直訳は “問題の上に問題がある”。

HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Information
Find information. Explore the City Hall.

What an interesting note you’ve found in City Hall… it’s all about the Collector. He is described as an eccentric man of wealth, a researcher and relentless collector of secrets and mysteries of the City of Shadows. The Collector invented and created dozens of amazing devices. The blueprints for one of his inventions, a mechanical man, was attached to the records. A robot created at the end of 19th century? Is it even possible?

・describe A as C: AをCだと述べる/言い表す/記述する/描写する
・relentless: 情け容赦のない、厳しい、過酷な
・dozens of: 多数の、腹痛の、1ダースの
・blueprints: 設計図、計画図


Under the robot’s blueprints there is a note made by the Collector. The one with an iron heart beating in his chest will point the way to the message.’ Just what did he mean by this? That his invention, the mechanical robot, will bring us to the clue Jacob spoke about in the vision? Does that robot really exist? I mean, even in 60’s New York, from where I was dragged, robots only existed in science fiction novels. Also, I’ve never seen such a machine in the City.


Neither have I.

刑事さんが元にいた世界は60年代のNYだそう。いろんな登場人物がどこからどのようにしてこの “影の街” にやってきたのか、気になりますね。
ちなみに直上の主人公の言葉 Neither have I. は、否定文に同意する際によく用いられます。似た語に either がありますが同様の意味に言い換えすることができ、こちらを使う場合の文法は I haven’t either. となります。




《 Mysterious Room’s Secret(謎めく部屋の秘密)》


An important clue is hidden in the Collector’s House. It can help you find Jacob. I made a few important notes about this case in my diary. They’ll come in handy for our investigation.

Start an investigation. Open the Diary.

Your friend Jacob has disappeared in the City of Shadows without a trace. The Conductor helps you in your search. His Locating Device shows that Jacob is still alive but is somewhere in the centre of the city. The way to the centre of the City has been shrouded in unearthly fog for many years now. After losing consciousness, you see a vision of Jacob giving you a clue: “Look for the answer in the Collector’s House”. The Collector is perhaps the most renown and mysterious figure in the City. A man of fortune and foibles, an explorer and ardent collector of the City’s secrets, he vanished mysteriously without a trace. The door to his house is adorned with an iron head and it has been locked for very long time… Just what hidden behind it?


Chapter1_The Collector left a message – the mechanical man will point the way to a cache with a clue. We found the diagram, but where is the robot itself hidden?
MISSION:Find The Mechanical Man’s Parts

・cache:隠し貯蔵場所、隠し場所、貯蔵庫 *cash「現金」と同音

《 Unique Body(唯一無二の身体)》


According to the Collector’s blueprints, this mechanical man primarily consists of five parts. I have no idea where to look for the other parts, but I saw something resembling a pair of hands at the Conductor’s Station. Find the first part of the robot.

・according to:〜によれば、〜によると、〜に言わせると
・consists of A:Aから成り立っている

HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Mechanical hands
Find the mechanical hands. Explore the Station.

These steel hands are so strong. I’m sure they’re the ones drawn on the blueprints. I’ve no doubt now – we’ve obtained the first part of the mechanical man. But where should we look for the remaining parts?



《 A Firm Fist(硬く握られた拳)》


Look, the right palm of the mechanical man is forming a fist. What a firm fist… you can’t even uncurl it with your bare hands. There must be a note in it. How do you unclench a steel fist? Maybe we should try lock picks? Look for some, please.


HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Lock Pick
Find Lock Pick. Explore any location in the City.

I managed to uncurl the steel fingers with the lock picks. There was a note inside and the paper was unusual, very thick and slippery.

・managed to:なんとか〜する、どうにかして〜をやり遂げる、思いがけず〜してしまう *この表現はHiddenCity内にも頻出します!


《 Legs and a Journey(旅へと向かう足)》


The Collector’s note says, “Steel footsteps are heard where the unknown beckons a traveller.” I bet you anything, it’s talking about the Station. Every time I’m there I feel the urge to go travelling myself. I’m sure we’ll find another part of the mechanical man at the Station of Forgotten Dreams.


HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret mechanical legs
Find the mechanical legs. Explore the Station.

Steel legs were in the locker room inside locker number 13. The Collector sure is sly; most citizens of the City are so superstitious that they wouldn’t risk peeking in a locker with the number 13.



《 A Code Again(暗号、再び)》


Where should we look for the rest of the mechanical man? There are mysterious symbols scratched into the back wall of locker number 13. This must be a code, but we won’t crack it without another one of the Collector’s inventions – the Deciphering Globe. We need this sophisticated device.

・crack:ひびが入る、ひび割れる *breakと違ってバラバラの状態にはならない

HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Deciphering Globe
Find the Deciphering Globe Explore the Room of Fate.

Deciphering… Just as I thought, this is another clue to the next part’s whereabouts. And yet another puzzle, listen… ‘A house of a thousand books that keeps order in the City.’

・order:秩序、安定、治安 *order は意味の多い単語のひとつです。この文脈では「秩序」が適切


A house of a thousand books that keeps order in the City? Does that mean the archives in the town hall? But of course! The Collector hid the next part of the robot in City Hall. I just wonder where exactly.



Let’s find her.

《 Obliging House(世話好きな家屋)》


Fog thickens over City Hall, penetrating even locked doors and windows. It’s hard to discern objects, only their outlines are visible. Citizens call this Silhouettes. And in this gloom, I see the outline of a mechanical man’s head – hurry and find it.


HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Obliging House
Find the mechanical head. Explore City Hall in "Silhouettes" mode.

A steel head was cleverly hidden inside a knight’s helmet that was adorning the wall in City Hall. Did you notice the inscription on the back of the helmet? ‘A head is a part of a body. Where there is one, another will be close by.’ One more riddle, that old Collector was one crafty fellow.



《 Poetic Riddle(詩的な謎掛け)》


“A head is a part of a body”… I’m sure we’ll find the next part of the mechanical man nearby. Seems like we have to search blindly. Let’s begin.

HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Poetic Riddle
Find the mechanical body. Explore any location in the City.

We already have four parts of the mechanical man created by the Collector. But we are still missing the last part – the moving mechanism. There’s another clue inside the torso. “Where the worlds’ fabric thins, where spirits speak and fates are shaped, where brain creation and the power of knowledge is hidden.” Where do spirits speak?

・torso:胴体 *手・脚・頭部をのぞく胴体だけの部分。
・fabric は織物以外にも、(協会などの)建物、壁という訳があります。意訳として、「世界(の文化や文明、言語)を隔てている壁が薄まっている場所”」としました。


《 Clock With a Secret(秘密を抱く時計)》


I’m sure the Collector hid a part of his brain’s creation in the Room of Fate. This is the place where the fabric of the world is thinnest and where Martha often speaks with spirits. We have to disturb our medium but I’m sure she will be understanding and forgiving. Find the last part of the mechanical man.


HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Moving mechanism
Find the Moving mechanism. Explore the Room of Fate.

See, I was right! The Collector hid the moving mechanism in an old winding clock in Martha’s room. He knew that the clock is impossible to break, so the mechanism would be completely safe inside it.

・winding clock:巻き時計


I think we’re still missing something. Look, there’s a heart-shaped hole on the metallic torso, but no heart itself. I see a clue engraved on the back of the hole. ‘Years separate soul and body. Go to the House and bring the undead back to life.’ Is the heart of the mechanical man hidden in the Collector’s House?



Just so.




HiddenCity open the Diary
Open the Diary.

Chapter2:The robot was assembled exactly according to the Collector’s diagrams, but the machine is still inanimate. What are we missing? Which part will breathe life into the metal body?
MISSION:Find A Mechanical Heart


The Collector is the most renown and mysterious figure in the City. A man of fortune and foibles, an explorer and ardent collector of the City’s secrets, he vanished mysteriously without a trace. A massive door protects the entrance to his house behind which hide incredible inventions and secrets. It has no handle and no keyhole, only a giant iron head and an ingenious mirror lock. Find the parts of the mirror key to open the Collector’s House.


Pieces of the key fit the indentation on the door completely. We’re just one step away from entering the location.

Unlock location.

We have all the pieces of the mirror key that open up the location. Open the door and find what City mysteries have been stored behind it for so many years.


The door to the Collector’s House is open again, after many years. I can’t wait to explore the home of this famous inventor. The clue that Jacob spoke about in the vision should be there somewhere. Maybe we’ll even solve the mystery of the House with Red Windows or learn something about the City’s origin itself. Hurry, let’s begin.


HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Letter
Whose shadow lurks in the corners? Whose figure can be seen deep within the mirror? Even though the Collector has disappeared, he’s still here – in this projector and in the items he left behind.

《 Soul of Iron(鉄の魂)》


The robot will be just a useless pile of metal until we find his heart. Find the heart of the machine in the Collector’s House, where the creator hid it.


HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret iron heart
Find the iron heart. Explore the Collector's house.

Do you think there’s really a soul inside the heart of the mechanical man? Who knows. But I can say this: the Collector was a genius inventor.

・Who knows. は「知らない」や「さあね」の意味。直前の文章で、主人公に疑問を投げかけているので「誰もわからないよな」といった表現にしました。





HiddenCity open the Diary
Open the Diary.

Chapter3:We’re a step away from finding the cache in the Collector’s House with a clue hidden inside. All that remains is to start up the mechanical man. Will the machine work after so many years?
MISSION:Bring The Robot To Life

《 Behind the Cache’s Door(貯蔵庫の扉の裏)》


We’ve found all the parts of the mechanical man. Now we just have to assemble this amazing machine according to the blueprint. I still can’t believe that he will come alive and follow the orders that the Collector put inside him years ago! If it’s true, then the mechanical man will point us to the clue Jacob was talking about in your vision.

HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Mysterious Room's Secret
Revive the mechanical man. Assemble the 'Secret of the Mysterious Room' collection.
HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret mechanical man


The iron man awakens! He walks about the room, moving items, as if he’s conducting a complex ritual. I think I know what he’s doing. Look, he’s pulling secret levers hidden in the room. A cache has opened on a completely smooth wall! And it hides a letter…



Look, the mechanical man is pulling hidden levers in the room. A cache opened up in a wall without a single crack! There’s a letter in the cache…


I need to open it.

“I don’t know how old you are and where you are from, but if you’re reading this letter, then it was meant for you alone! My name is Leonardo. Some time ago I created a machine that made dreams come true. But an unskilled usage of it resulted in a fatal mistake that turned my hometown into the City of Shadows. This machine is still somewhere in the City. You have to find it as it can make any wish come true and answer any question. But be careful! Others are looking for you and will try to stop you no matter what. But don’t let that trouble you. You are the Chosen One of the City of Shadows, and the City itself will lead you.” Leonardo.

手紙を開くよう促され、タップした後に出てくる画面が上記です。イントロダクションで、ジュリエットが渡されたメモの主である “L” は、この手紙を書いた張本人でした。

《 Mysterious Room’s Secret(謎めく部屋の秘密)》


Thanks for helping with the investigation. By the way, there was an unusual amulet in the cache that the iron man opened. Now it’s yours.

HiddenCity open the Diary
Receive your reward. Complete the investigation to receive your reward.

COMPLETE:The mechanical man activated secret levers and the cache opened silently in the Collector’s room. The clue Jacob was talking about in the vision has been found.

HiddenCity Case1 Collector's Secret Golden Owl
≪Golden Owl≫ A golden symbol of wisdom. Increases by 100% the experience for completing locations, beating mini-games, and battling monsters for the next 2 hours.

to be continued…



No02 →


